Rise Up, Slim Down

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#9 Resolved to lose weight in 2024? What factor best predicts your success?

As a weight loss coach, I fervently hope that you don’t embark on a weight loss journey because you think you “should” or because of our culture’s impossible standards of thinness. But there are good reasons you may want to lose weight, and if so, then I would be thrilled and honored to help you achieve your goals!

So, what spells success? Three things:

1.     Desire

You want it. You feel passion. You are willing to devote adequate energy and time to get it.

2.     Belief
You believe it’s possible to lose weight. You are not limiting yourself by past attempts or “failures.” This time, you’re in it for good, and won’t go the route of one-size-fits-all “diets.”

3.     Commitment
You make a firm decision. “I will figure it out as I go along.” You resolve not to quit at the first sign of trouble.

The giddiness you feel about starting a diet on January 1 can be a sign of a very strong desire, but a weaker belief or commitment. Research confirms that most people abandon their New Year’s resolutions by the first of February!

What if you choose to skip the giddiness and instead anticipate potential obstacles and brainstorm a solution for each? Now you’ve drawn a sort of road map for how to proceed! How brilliant is that?

As for belief, your brain might be screaming at you: “But I’ve never been able to do it before!”

Think about it: if every toddler trying to walk decided, “I can’t do it, because I’ve never done it before,” no one would ever learn to walk!

And by the way, a failure is merely a necessary opportunity to learn. The toddler literally gains strength in her legs by having to push herself up each time she falls. (Memorize that image for the next time you falter.)

But by far the most important predictor of success, and perhaps most underestimated, is commitment.

To stay on track, you need a compelling reason, often referred to as your “why.” For some people, it’s wanting to feel the non-stop energy needed to lift and carry their young child all day, for others it’s wanting to buy clothes not labelled “plus size,” and for still others it’s wanting to be able to play on the floor with the grandkids.

Your reason does not need to be lofty, but needs to truly excite you when you bring it to mind. You don’t need to tell anyone, but can if you have a trusted confidante. But I highly recommend that you write it down and rewrite it frequently. This will strengthen your resolve.

Pick one small habit to change and leave the rest alone. Practice your new habit daily and you will build self-trust (“I do what I say I’m going to do.”) 100% success is not required. At 70-80%, add a second habit.  Be resolved to experiment and keep going.

Good luck, have fun, and Happy 2024!