
Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#13 Three success stories prove “one size” does NOT “fit all”

Research shows that only a small fraction of people who participate in a “one size fits all” diet are successful long-term.

Instead, I suggest you try “start where you are.” Ask yourself, “What prevents me from already being at my desired weight?” I’ll bet you can answer that fairly easily, identifying the two or three behaviors that you could change for the better. And I know for sure that it’s different for every person.

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Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#8 How do I handle urges?

First of all, you should be relieved to hear that urges are completely normal. There is nothing wrong with you! You should also know that an urge is simply a thought/feeling. As with so many things about eating, that is both the good news and the bad news! It means that you are completely in control of what you choose to do with the thought, whether to act on it or not. It’s all happening inside of you. But what you tell yourself, inside your own head, will be the thing that makes the difference. Easy to say, hard to do. At least initially.

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