
Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#14 The Thought Model

This blog post will teach you a method for capturing some of the thoughts which sabotage you and will suggest how to turn them around into thoughts that help you achieve your goals. This system has worked for many people for weight loss as well as for other aspects of life.

This method, known widely as “the thought model,” originates with cognitive-behavioral therapy, was influenced by Buddhist practitioner Byron Katie, and was tweaked and taught widely by master coach Brooke Castillo. Like so many techniques, it’s simple, but not easy. It takes some reflection and work (journaling) but if used regularly it really pays off.

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Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#3 Getting Started: Goal-setting

So why set goals? I submit that the purpose of having a goal and working to achieve it is not to search for that elusive “happiness” or fix something but rather to get to know yourself better. To discover your own power, your own “awesomeness” as we call it nowadays. To become a self-actualized person. To engage more fully in life. To find out what you’re made of. It’s not the goal per se that’s the greatest value but rather to see who you become as you challenge yourself to become the person you truly want to be.

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