
Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#6 Getting Started: Empowering Beliefs

This blog post is the “companion” piece to #5 which considered limiting beliefs. In this one, I will introduce the concept of neuroplasticity and offer effective strategies to move you away from your limiting beliefs and toward positive, empowering beliefs that will help you reach your goals. The first strategy offers a list of empowering beliefs which are “ready-made” for you to use and are frequently effective for people working on their weight. The second strategy teaches you how to discover your own limiting beliefs and transform them into empowering beliefs that serve you. It takes a little more work than the first method, but can truly pay off. Try them both or pick one. And the final strategy suggests ways to practice your new empowering beliefs. That’s for everyone. Don’t skip that step!

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Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#5 Getting Started: Limiting Beliefs

One tricky thing about beliefs is that we are often unaware of what we believe. The thought resides just below the surface of the flow of words in our minds. This means that in order to become cognizant of some of those “hidden” beliefs, we have to cultivate awareness. Somehow (and there are many techniques, fortunately), we need to tune in to what we’re thinking and let those beliefs come to the surface.

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