
Linda Witnov Linda Witnov

#2 Getting Started: Don’t go on a diet!

As a coach, if I ask you, “What are the one or two behaviors that you do regularly that undermine your ability to weigh less?” (Pause reading this right now if you wish, get out some paper and answer that question.) Most people can answer it immediately. We know. We just don’t want to know what we know, right?

Now you’ve reclaimed the power. Start your diet focusing on these two behaviors. Leave everything else the same and see what happens. We’re using the scientific method. You’re looking for the “low-hanging fruit” as it’s called. For example, if you’re having two sugary drinks from Starbucks every day, try cutting back to one. Move gradually. But notice who holds the power now. It’s you! There is no one to rebel against. You’re likely to be more successful this way.

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